Kamis, 10 April 2008


Pinocchio is a platformer – plain and simple. Like the Mario of yesteryear, players will control the lively marionette puppet through over 15 levels of running, jumping, collecting fruit and beating the game's 3 bosses. The game follows the story of the wooden puppet from the book, so fans will enjoy going to well known places like the belly of the shark, the land of toys and other places. There was a bit of change though from the original book to the Disney movie, as the movie was simply a 'free interpretation' of the book (as is this game)so if you're a big fan of the movie just remember that there is a fair bit of difference. You won't find the popular Jiminy Cricket much here, folks...

One thing that really caught my eye as soon as I started the game was the graphics. They are unique, that’s for sure, but to be perfectly honest, the graphics are pretty amateurish and not drawn very well. For instance, Pinnochio is coloured with an odd wood texture, that doesn't really work and ends up looking ugly.
Although the graphics are not technically good, I did really like the designs of all the characters and creatures. The bosses are huge, often 3 times the size of little Pinnochio, and there are some very colourful and creative designs like the 'policeman bulldog' for example, or the giant squids.
The sound in Pinnochio is pretty good, at best, and has lots of sound effects but no real music. I would've liked a couple of catchy themes to play along to!

There are a few bugs in Pinnochio that hampered my enjoyment of the game, and should've been ironed out. For example, several times when Pinnochio was riding a dove, the dove would simply get stuck and I would have to restart the level. Other times, an error message would come up and I’d have to exit the game completely. These are things that should’ve been fixed during testing, and shouldn’t be seen in the final version of the game.

Pinnochio is a game that is good on paper, but is bogged down with too many problems to make it highly recommendable. For fans of Pinnochio there is enough here to keep you happy, there are 17 levels that will keep you entertained for a few hours at least. For everyone else though, especially kids, I think there are better options available.

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