Jumat, 04 April 2008

Free Download THQ Pipe Mania Mobile Game For E60, E70, N80, N90

Ah, you can’t get any more classic than this. Pipemania! One of the more memorable games during the old times, the others being Pacman and Mario! For those who have no idea what Pipemania is all about, it’s basically a top down view of a game where you’ll see a huge grid area. One of these grids has a tap, and its basically your starting point, where the water will start flowing. Your task is to make pipes from that tap, to keep the water flowing as long as possible, each grid a different pipe. The longer or the more grids you can keep the water flowing through the more points you get!

Its not as hard as it sounds, nor is it as easy. The water doesn’t start flowing immediately, u do have a few seconds head start before it does. And laying down pipe works isn’t as easy either. Just like Tetris, each different pipe order is randomly predetermined. So there can be times you’re clicking on a grid several times before you can find the correct pipe you want. And woe upon you if you accidentally missed the correct pipe, and you’ll have to go through the entire process again to find it, wasting precious time. Also, once the water starts flowing, for each time u change the pipe, you lose some points, while for each grid the water passes you gain some. So, the high scoring master plumber is one who places unwanted pipes elsewhere on the grid strategically where he can perhaps join up later, hence losing minimal points! But wait, there’s more than just that! The game comes with 4 different modes, Story, Puzzle, Random, and Classic. Story is really, sort of like a tutorial game, with progressive difficulty, while Puzzle, Random and Classic modes are pretty much self explanatory.

So how does this revamped classic fare in terms of graphics and music? Graphics, is definitely an improvement over the original of course. Nothing too special. No special effects, not that it’s needed for this game. But it’s good enough, and colourful enough to enjoy the game. The music was superbly done here. The theme song especially that appears during menu and the gameplay music is wonderfully composed, and makes gameplay that much more exciting and pleasurable.

If you’re a fan of this game, then get Pipemania. If you’ve never played this game before, now is a good time to try it out. Either way, Pipemania is a cool game suitable for gamers of all ages, a classic game that is puzzle, action, and arcade all at the same time.

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Free Games Download For Nokia E60, E70, N80, N90!

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