Kamis, 10 April 2008

Free Download GameLoft Siberian Strike Mobile Game For Sony Ericsson

Controlling the plane of Igor Marlevitch and Natasha Kalinski, you try to defeat the Stalin-Bot, who runs the Vodka producing company STALINKA Corp. being responsible for a big complot: by producing a will-killing Vodka they try to get the world domination.

The 8 missions take you in the deep of Siberia; you have to fight in the skies, over the Artic sea and over the Siberian forests. Several enemies, like tanks, planes or boats in different size and differing in their hit points try to extinguish you.Items, like power shots in 3 directions or a big bomb, killing all enemies on screen, help you to destruct them. Your weak standard shoot can be charged to become much stronger.

After the missions the story is well retold and it is a funny to listen to it. The scenario is designed nicely, Siberian Strike runs fluent and controlling the plane is not complicated - though the game only gets 7 points as result, because it is much too short. After 20-30 minutes nearly everyone should be through Siberian Strike.

(right click >> 'save target as')

Download Now! (144k)
Download Now! (144k)

Click Here, If Facing Any Problems!

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