Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008

Free Download Goodfellas Mobile Game For Sony Ericsson

Goodfellas is supposed to be the greatest gangster film ever, or so I've read, and therefore it came as no surprise to see it finally being adapted to a mobile format. You play the part of an up and coming gangster and you have until 1990 to make it to the status of Boss. The game turns take a week and in each week you can do a number of things.

The key aim of the game, as with all gangster films, is to earn respect. You have to earn enough respect from the three main characters of the film in order to make it to the next level. You can do this by pulling heists and selling stolen goods, lending people money for large sums of interest repayments, and also collecting protection money. Depending on what type of 'activity' you do, you earn respect from a different Boss. In addition to the activities listed, you can head down to the races or the boxing matches for some straight gambling. But the real deal is when you play poker with the Goodfellas. Here you can win or lose large sums of money and therefore gain or lose some serious respect. In addition, you get tips from them sometimes on what makes a good deal or who needs money. If you follow these tips you're guaranteed to clinch the deals if you use someone who's experienced enough to pull off the job.

Which leads me to the henchmen. You have a maximum of 5 henchmen that you can use at any one time and therefore you can perform 5 activities each week. You don't have to use all 5 and each henchmen has two attributes which are their skill level and loyalty. The skill level determines whether they can pull off the job, although if their levels are a little below the requirement, they should still be able to do it. The loyalty determines whether or not they will squeal on you if they get caught. If they do, then it's the slammer for a while which does waste some time, but also sometimes increases your respect. You also have a meter which determines how notorious you are with the cops and the higher this is, the more chance you have of getting caught and going to the slammer. If it's pretty high, then lay low on the criminal activities for a while and it'll reduce.

(right click >> 'save target as')

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